The USDLKR decreased 0.67 or 0.46% to 144.88 on Friday July 8 from 145.55 in the previous trading session. The USDLKR changed -0.56% during the last week, -0.66% during the last month and +11.09% during the last year. Historically, the Sri Lankan Rupee DEPRECIATED an all time high of 149.20 in March of 2016 and a record APPRECIATION OF of 95.60 in
December of 2003.
The DXY increased 0.053 or 0.06% to 96.28 on Friday July 8 from 96.22 in the previous trading session. The DXY changed +0.66% during the last week, +2.87% during the last month and -0.34% during the last year. Historically, the United States Dollar reached an all time high of 164.72 in February of 1985 and a record low of 71.32 in April of 2008.

in 1932 foreign trade figures of the leading commercial countries afford an opportunity for speculation with regard to the effects of currency instability upon imports and exports. The trade of three countries with stable currencies -- France, Germany and the United States -- may be compared with that of two countries with depreciated currencies -- Great Britain and Canada. In theory, currency depreciation tends to stimulate exports and to check imports. Investigation shows that the exports of all the countries mentioned were less in 1932 than in 1931, but that the decline was substantially greater in the stable-money countries. The decrease in the value of exports in 1932 from the previous year was 35 percent in France, 40 percent in Germany and 33 percent in the United States. In Great Britain and Canada, on the other hand, the decreases were respectively 7 and 19 percent.
This would seem to indicate that the cheap money of Great Britain and Canada, while not causing an absolute increase in exports, may have been instrumental in producing a smaller decline than was experienced by stable-money countries. On the other hand, if the export trade of these five countries in 1932 is compared with that of the pre-depression year 1929, the relative changes shown by the two groups are not so striking. From 1929 to 1932 the value of exports decreased 60 percent in France, 58 percent in Germany and
Currencies of Things will get worse for Brazil, Russia, India, and China — otherwise known as the BRIC countries — in 2016.
In particular, look at how much the Ruble, Rupee, and Real have depreciated while the RMB has just begun its depreciation. This means there is a lot more volatility to come in 2016,