Wednesday, 9 August 2017

can you see what others cant see !

can you see what others cant see  !

if you  cannot see what others cannot see then stay away from  stocks
trending on top of seeking alpha  with editors  pick  is by Sri Lankan,Malaysian,Chinese  writer at LD INVESTMENT

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

vague TALK equaling two opposing sides by arguments

CONFUSION is the name of the game

good-news-is-bad-news scenarios so is it bad news is good ?

unemployment is bad full employment  is also bad
Last week, the Labor Department reported that in March, the official unemployment rate hit 4.5%, the first time that’s happened in 10 years.
That’s good news, of course, because it means the economy is approaching what economists call “full employment.” (I’ll discuss some of the caveats later.)

Tuesday, 4 April 2017


When is the French election 2017? WE  #LALIASIA.FINANCE PREDCIT #LE PEN WIN

#LE PEN France's youngest MP in modern political history.

On 14 November 2012, she wrote in an official statement that she had decided to put aside her studies masters of public business law- in order to dedicate herself to her office--

About her early interest in politics, she explained: "Contrary to what everyone thinks, in my family we didn’t talk about politics at home and we were free to make our own choices. I became interested in politics around 15 or 16 and in various approaches, not necessarily FN". As a teenager, she once went to a meeting addressed by Nicolas Sarkozy "out of curiosity" because he "intrigued" her. She added: "I very quickly came down to earth." At the age of 18, she became a member of the FN

 she took part in the mass demonstrations against same-sex marriage organized in Paris by La Manif Pour Tous movement in the first half of the year 2013.-ADMIRABLE INDEED

Foreign policy and EU issues LIKE Trump Rrussian inclined.

She is a member of the parliamentary friendship groups France–Russia] and France−Ivory Coast
On 10 December 2012, she took part in an international parliamentary forum organized at Moscow by the State Duma. On 22 January 2013, she was present in the Reichstag at the commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the Élysée Treaty by French President Charles de Gaulle and German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer.] In a written statement, she said that the treaty was originally based on the cooperation and partnership between two sovereign states and denounced the "forced march towards a German federal Europe"
On 29 September 2013, she attended a political event organized by the Vlaams Belang in Boom, near Antwerp. On this occasion, she explained: "It is important that a front of patriotic and euro-critical parties form in sight of European elections, which is the case, and get some good results in order to lead resistance to Euro and globalism".

When is the first round of voting in the French election?
The first round of the vote will be held on Sunday April 23 2017. 
When is the presidential run-off in the French? 
France's next President will be elected in a run-off election which will take place on Sunday May 7 2017. 
The people of France will choose between the two candidates that won the first round of voting in April. 

Candidates summarise their position

Candidates asked: What is your social model?

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In many ways, the range of candidates in this election, and the concerns and priorities they expressed during the debate, reflect the great fractures in French society. Arthaud and Poutou represent workers’ rights as one might expect from leaders of the Workers’ Struggle party and the New Anticapitalist party; the poor, the badly paid, those at the bottom of the social pile, the “dictatorship” of the rich and of capitalism.
At the other end of the scale, are former ministers Fillon and Macron, in their well-cut bespoke suits and ties who talk of finance, business, investment, efficiency, responsibility …
In the middle are leftwingers Mélenchon in his Mao jacket and Hamon, in off-the-peg suit and tie, who focus on workers but also ecological issues, democracy, working hours, social services …
There are traditionalists Dupont-Aignan, Asselineau, Cheminade, Lassalle: Eurosceptics, nationalists who have their pet subjects.
Then there’s Le Pen, who takes a bit from each – nationalist, protectionist, anti-Europe, anti-globalist, defence of workers (as long as they are French) – and adds her trademark dose of anti-Islam, anti-immigration, and economic and social patriotism.
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How to protect the French?

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Europe debate has now ended. We had a lot of sound and fury, but no clear winner.
Fillon seems to be trying to appear statesmanlike, lots of sardonic smiles, but keeping out of arguments.
Hamon struggling, lacking the passion he shows at rallies. Mélenchon continues to combine being combative with humorous asides and interjections, and coming out of the debate well.
Macron earnest, but not really hitting the mark. Le Pen … is just being Le Pen and sticking to her line.
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can you see what others cant see !

can you see what others cant see  ! if you  cannot see what others cannot see then stay away from  stocks trending on top of seeking ...