Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Candidates summarise their position


Candidates asked: What is your social model?

In many ways, the range of candidates in this election, and the concerns and priorities they expressed during the debate, reflect the great fractures in French society. Arthaud and Poutou represent workers’ rights as one might expect from leaders of the Workers’ Struggle party and the New Anticapitalist party; the poor, the badly paid, those at the bottom of the social pile, the “dictatorship” of the rich and of capitalism.
At the other end of the scale, are former ministers Fillon and Macron, in their well-cut bespoke suits and ties who talk of finance, business, investment, efficiency, responsibility …
In the middle are leftwingers Mélenchon in his Mao jacket and Hamon, in off-the-peg suit and tie, who focus on workers but also ecological issues, democracy, working hours, social services …
There are traditionalists Dupont-Aignan, Asselineau, Cheminade, Lassalle: Eurosceptics, nationalists who have their pet subjects.
Then there’s Le Pen, who takes a bit from each – nationalist, protectionist, anti-Europe, anti-globalist, defence of workers (as long as they are French) – and adds her trademark dose of anti-Islam, anti-immigration, and economic and social patriotism.

How to protect the French?

Europe debate has now ended. We had a lot of sound and fury, but no clear winner.
Fillon seems to be trying to appear statesmanlike, lots of sardonic smiles, but keeping out of arguments.
Hamon struggling, lacking the passion he shows at rallies. Mélenchon continues to combine being combative with humorous asides and interjections, and coming out of the debate well.
Macron earnest, but not really hitting the mark. Le Pen … is just being Le Pen and sticking to her line.
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